
November 6th, 2024

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Today feels like a day to do or say something important, something profound and encouraging. I honestly don’t know what to say.

I feel like a lot of people, particularly outside the U.S, have underestimated what the 2024 election actually represents. It isn’t just a case of do you like Trump more than Harris, is America ready for a female president, or even which of them would make life easier for you and your family personally. It’s about what America wants to be in the world, what it values and wants to represent. Today the land of the free and the home of the brave voted to strip women and girls of their rights, to steal refugee children from their parents, to allow the verbal and physical threats against doctors and clinics that are leading to an exodus of these vital workers, to be isolationist and selfish, to be war-mongering and hateful. Today they voted for a rapist over a woman, white supremacy over inclusion, and ignorance over possibility. Kamala may not have been your dream candidate, but for the love of GOD was she really not better than the alternative?

It's also naïve to think that what has happened there today has happened there alone. The decisions made by the next administration will be felt all over the world, and as an ally of the U.S, eyes will be turning to us now too.

It's so hard to know where to go from here, all I know is that we do have to go from here. This is what we’re working with and the only thing we could do to make it worse is to give up.

I’ve included below a few of the organisations (UK, U.S and worldwide) it might be worth looking at, working with, donating to, if you’re feeling powerless this morning. It’s by no means an exhaustive list and I welcome any comments/dms that might bring more to my attention so I can add them to this post. I’ll update it as I remember more too, my brain is mashed potato right now and it’ll be a while before I can think coherently again, so deepest apologies if I’ve omitted something important.

Today be heartbroken, tomorrow get angry.


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